
Monday, 14 February, 2005

double take

Filed under: — meg @ 5:12 pm

Some lab mates and I registered for a fitness charity challenge this week. The idea is that you’ll record your exercise as a team (no need to actually work out together) and at the end of the period of time the top 3 teams will split up the money collected ($5 a person) among 3 local charities. The hospital’s goal is to get people fit while also benefitting charities. We are supposedly getting pedometers to help quantitate our exercise, so I’m excited about that. Providing that they work. I think sometimes they’re hit or miss. The only thing is, and I just realized this now, that we’re going for an entire two months. TWO MONTHS. I thought it was for a week. Oops. Anyway, this should totally help with my resolutions to lose weight and increase my jogging distance. I’ll probably be in pain this week though since I was completely irresponsible last week and only worked out twice. (If you consider a week Sunday-Saturday. If you go Monday-Sunday, work week through weekend, then it was once.) I partly blame work and partly blame freakout and Sam’s visit. Anywho, you can check out the parameters for the charity challenge here.

Even though this blog hasn’t caught on so much yet I like having to have some place to report to. So it’s working for me at least. :)


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  1. quantitate? quantitate?!


    Comment by ruds — Monday, 21 February, 2005 @ 5:17 pm

  2. you know, to normalize everyone by the number of steps per minute. :P

    Comment by meg — Tuesday, 22 February, 2005 @ 1:02 am

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